李绚兮 讲师

发布日期: 2022-05-19 08:43:42

李绚兮,新2会员手机管理端教育技术系讲师, 香港大学博士(Ph.D.),儿童文学作家。主要兼职Computers & Education SSCI期刊的外审专家, International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning的助理编辑。参与过多个国家级和省部级的项目,曾在香港优质教育基金项目担任全职研究助理,曾在华东师范大学从事博士后工作。在Computers & Education, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, British Journal of Educational Technology, Library and Information Science ResearchSSCI SCI期刊上以第一作者和通讯作者发表了多篇文章。此外,在电化教育研究等国内核心期刊、国际期刊和会议等发表论文20余篇,参编《教育大数据》等多部学术著作,著有英文个人专著《Design and Development of A Wiki-Based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy -- Putting Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Action》被列选入华东师范大学科学报告系列丛书;研究方向为新媒体写作自适应学习

  承担课程: 新媒体写作、多媒体课件的设计与开发、现代教育技术等



 Chu, S. K. W., Li, X.*, Mok, S. (2021). UPCC: A model of plagiarism-free inquiry project-based learning. Library and Information Science Research 431(SSCI). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2021.101073

王飞, 李绚兮, 顾小清(2020教育信息化产品与服务的生态发展研究. 电化教育研究(CSSCI) (10)99-105.

Li, X., Wang, F. & Gu, X. (2019). Understanding the Roles of ICT Enterprises in Promoting the ICT Industry Ecosystem in Education: Case Studies from China, British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI), 50(3), 1151-1173. 

Li, X. & ChuS. K. W. (2018). Using design-based research methodology to develop a pedagogy for teaching and learning of Chinese writing with wiki among Chinese upper primary school students. Computers & Education(SSCI & SCI) 126: 359-375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.009 

Xuanxi Li2017. Putting Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Action - An Advanced Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy (AWCPWP). International Journal of Culture and History 3 (4): 243-249. 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki (2014). The effects of a wiki-based collaborative process writing pedagogy on writing ability and attitudes among upper primary school students in Mainland China (pp. 151-169). Computers and Education (77). (SSCI & SCI)http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2014.04.019 

Matsuko Woo, Samuel K. W. Chu, Xuanxi Li (2013). Peer-feedback and revision process in a wiki mediated collaborative writing (pp. 279-309). Educational Technology Research and Development 61 (2). (SSCI). 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki, Matsuko Woo (2012). Using a wiki-based collaborative process writing pedagogy to facilitate collaborative writing among Chinese primary school students. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 28 (1). (SSCI).http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet28/li.html 

Matsuko Woo, Samuel Chu, Andrew Ho & Xuanxi Li. (2011). Using a Wiki to Scaffold Primary School Students’ Collaborative Writing (pp. 43-54). Journal of Educational Technology & Society 14 (1). (SSCI). 

Xuanxi Li, Fong Soon Fook, Balakrishnan Muniandy, *Hanafi Atan & *Rozhan M. Idrus (2010). Computer-based Human Agent Image and Modality Effects – Does it Facilitate Deeper Information Processing? (pp.11-18). Malaysian Journal of Educational Technology 10 (2). 

Xuanxi Li, Fong Soon Fook, Rozhan M. Idrus (2007). Delivery Modalities of Animated Pedagogical Agents in e-Learning: a Review of Empirical Researches (pp. 65-75). Malaysian Journal of Educational Technology 7(2).





Xuanxi Li (forthcoming) <<Design and Development of A Wiki-Based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy -- Putting Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Action>>, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore.

李绚兮,冯伟 (2020). 第九章,教育大数据与在线教学应用(pp. 258-309). 肖 君,王腊梅 (主编)《教育大数据》, 上海科学技术出版社,上海. 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki, Matsuko Woo (forthcomi). How to make good use of the wiki technology to support collaborative writing in Chinese at primary school level.(forthcoming). In Notari et al.(Eds). The Wiki Way of Learning 

李絢兮、朱啟華、祁永华、吴麻津子 (2013). 如何善用维基技术支援中国大陆小学生的协同式写作. In Notari et al. (Eds).《维基之道 协同与创造性学习 Der Wiki-Weg des Lernens, 国立台湾师范大学, 台北。ISBN: 978-957-752-950-3. 

Matsuko Woo, 朱启华, 李绚兮, David Wilck Ka Wai Leung (2013). 如何善用维基技术支援小学阶段的协同式写作? In Notari et al. (Eds).《维基之道 协同与创造性学习 Der Wiki-Weg des Lernens, 国立台湾师范大学, 台北。ISBN: 978-957-752-950-3. 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki, Matsuko Woo (2010). Students and Teacher’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Collaborative Writing with Wiki in a Primary Four Chinese Classroom. In Pixel (Eds). Conference Proceedings: ICT for Language Learning (pp.327-332). Florence, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-7647-569-6. 

Woo, M., Chu, S., Ho, A., & Li, X. X. (2009). Collaborative Writing with a Wiki in a Primary Five English Classroom. In Chu S., Ritter W. and Hawamdeh S. (Ed.), Series on Innovation and Knowledge Management - Vol. 8 Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations (pp.193-206), Singapore: World Scientific. 

Xuanxi Li, Fong Soon Fook, Mohd. Ali (2008). Effects of a Human Agent and the Application of the Modality Principle on the Learning of Chinese Idioms and the Attitudes among Primary Three Students. (pp.563-570). In Rozhan et al. (Eds). Smart Education: Converging Technology, Pedagogy and Content. A. SANI KW SDN.BHD. Penang, Malaysia. ISBN: 978-983-42733-3-0.




李绚兮,顾小清,肖君,李春琳 (2019). 基于学习者画像的整合技术和教学法    的大学英语语法个性化教学内容设计, 2019 年智能技术和语言学习国际研讨会暨研究生 学术论坛, 上海: 上海外国语大学. 

Li, X., Wang, X., Gu, X. (2019). A Design Framework for Adaptive E-learning Environment. Proc. of SPIE 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition, Nanjing, China, 2019, 11198, 42. 

Xuanxi Li (2018). Participants of Ministerial Forum “Sustainable Development Goal 4: Global Dialogue on ICT and Education Innovation”. Moscow, Russia. 

Xuanxi Li2017). Putting Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Action An Advanced Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy (AWCPWP). Paper presented at 2017 6th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society (ICKCS 2017), Hong Kong. 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki, Matsuko Woo (2011). Students and Teacher’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward a Wiki-based Collaborative Process Writing Pedagogy in a Primary Five Chinese Classroom. Paper presented at CITE Research Symposium 2011. Hong Kong, China. 

Xuanxi Li, Samuel K. W. Chu, Wing Wah Ki, Matsuko Woo (2010). Students and Teacher’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Collaborative Writing with Wiki in a Primary Four Chinese Classroom. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference “ICT for Language Learning”. Florence, Italy. 

Matsuko Woo, Samuel K. W. Chu, Xuanxi Li (2010). Tracing Peer Feedback to Revision Process in a Wiki Supported Collaborative Writing. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education 2010. Osaka, Japan. 

Matsuko Woo, Samuel K. W. Chu, Andrew Ho, Xuanxi Li (2009). Collaborative writing with a wiki in a primary five English classroom. Be awarded the Best Student Paper, which was presented at the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management. Hong Kong, China. 

Fong Soon Fook, Xuanxi Li, Mohd. Ali Samsudin (2008). Effects of a Human Agent and the Application of Modality Principle on the Learning of Chinese Idioms and the Attitudes among Primary Three Students. Paper presented at the 2nd International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention. Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.



20189上海开放远程教育工程技术研究中心(课题编号:13DZ2252200) 上海市科学技术委员会 科研计划项目 15万 博士后研究员 

2016722日 国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题我国与发达国家的教育信息化比较和推进战略研究”(项目编号:ACA160012) 国家社会科学基金 教育学重点课题 35万元 子课题成员 

201631日 维基辅助中学生合作式学习英语阅读理解 上海市教育委员会 青年教师科研启动项目 5万元 负责人 

201388日 为非华语初中学生建构校本中文第二语言电子课程以提升中文学与教效能(2012/0258) 优质教育基金 (Quality Education Fund): 教与学-帮助香港非华语中学生学习中文第二语言 HK412,640 全职研究助理http://www.deliabw.edu.hk/subjects/csl/WebContent/HTML/Frontpage-unit.html 




2020/12-present, Lecturer of Educational Technology, Huzhou University  

2019/01-present, Assistant Editor of International Journal of Smart      Technology and Learning 

2018/07-2020/08, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University 

2015/04-2018/07, Lecturer of Educational Technology, Shanghai Normal University  

2013/11-2014/11, Research Assistant (Full-time, E-book Designer and Developer) of QEF Chinese E-book research project in Delia Memorial School, and University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 

2013, Research Assistant(Part-time) of research project in Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong 

2013, Webpage Designer(http://xz.zhzyk.cn/about.jsp) for Achievements and Resources Sharing Column (http://xz.zhzyk.cn/) in National Project of Vertical and horizontal digital informational learning, researching, and teaching, Hong Kong. 

2012, Putonghua Teacher (Part-time) for babies, Le Beaumont Language Centre, Hong Kong.

2011, Member of Program Committee of CITE Research Symposium “Building Communities for Technology Enhanced Learning”,University of Hong Kong 

2011, Member of Social Media Team for Conference “CSCL 2011”, Hong Kong.

2009, Coordinator for Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong 

2009, Event Assistant for Conference “ICKM 2009”, Hong Kong 

2008, Teaching Assistant (Part-time) of Course “ICT in Education”, Unversiti Sains Malaysia 

2007, Research Assistant (Part-time) of National Project “Information and Computer Technology Competencies among Malaysian Science and Mathematics Teachers”, Universiti Sains Malaysia 



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